Over the years, all sorts of players have graced the online poker felts, producing all kinds of results. Some have soul crushed every opponent they met, some called down three barrels with ace high every time and some have banked scores larger than they ever thought possible.
When it all comes down to it, every player’s results can be graphed and looked at from the perspective of his lifetime results. Thanks to tracking sites like Sharkscope, there are thousands of graphs to look at and some of them are worthy of framing and selling at an auction. With that in mind, here is the first installment of the greatest graphs drawn up by online poker players’ results.
10. The ‘Stairway to Heaven’
The more steps and the flatter the step’s surface, the sooner a tournament grinder will finally get to heaven!
9. The ‘At Least I Still Got 20K Left’
When Degenerate Gambler meets God Mode, one of the rarest graphs in online poker can be produced. Like a fine Picasso, the more you look at it, the more amazing and sickening it becomes.
8. The ‘We Don’t Have a Pulse’
Well, what did you expect? Running up your bankroll to $11K in the span of 250 games and then losing half of it back in another 200 games can give anyone a heart attack!
7. The ‘Perfect 90 Degree Angle’
Another rarity in the world of online poker, the perfect 90 degree angle can only be created when a break-even player tries his best for tens of thousands of games and then goes on the run of his life, banking a major event.
6. The ‘Perfect Line’
Well ok, it’s not exactly perfect, but that’s probably as close to perfect as anyone will ever get. When your downswings are so irrelevant that you can’t even see them in the big picture, that’s pretty impressive.
5. The ‘Gone Fishing’
Now at first sight this might look like someone who was doing pretty well for the first 250,000 games and then instantly forgot everything he knew about poker. However, with the help of your friendly neighborhood Photoshop enthusiast, it all becomes very clear.
4. The ‘Tilt Dive’
Was this just epic tilt or was the guy just chasing the roadrunner and fell off a cliff? We might never know, but regardless, this masterpiece is something that belongs in the Hall of Tilts.
3. The ‘Steady Climb’
It’s always nice when your results graph looks like a typical airplane take off trajectory. Though in this case, the pilot might have forgotten to retract his flaps at 40K tournaments.
2. The ‘Ziigmund’
When your style of play is so insane that you go through swings of hundreds of thousands of dollars on a regular basis, you get the honorable ‘Ziigmund’ badge and a chance to get your picture taken with the man himself.
1. The ‘Perfect Circle’
At the 3,000 tournament mark it seemed like the graph might just bend back and start moving back to the left, but eventually, this guy got as close as it’s possible to a complete circle within a graph without actually breaking any laws of physics.
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