Tobey Maguire’s attorney has filed court papers, where the actor will be fighting the allegations brought against him by Brad Ruderman. Along with a bankruptcy trustee, Ruderman is suing Maguire and 21 other poker players, aiming to recapture more than $4 million Ruderman lost in the games. The lawsuit claims that Maguire, along with the others, have no right to keep their winnings. Maguire is a primary target of the lawsuit, due to his string of successes against Ruderman.

Trustee Howard Ehrenberg said last week, “It’s my belief that the games under California law were illegal because they were being hosted for money.” Maguire will argue otherwise, and denies wrongdoing. In court filings, Maguire’s attorney contends that the games, held at top Beverly Hills hotels and a few private homes, were legal and the players named in the suit are not required to return any many. Maguire lost $168,500 to Ruderman, the filings claims, which should be credited to the actor, if he was required to return the $300,000 to Ruderman.

Maguire’s version of the story is that the games were not controlled or run by a group to turn a profit. The games did, however, accept checks from players. Ehrenberg used these checks to track the route of the money, and the players involved. Nick Cassavetes, who has directed such films as The Notebook, Face Off, and My Sister’s Keeper, is also being sued for $73,000. Ronald Richards, his attorney, plans to settle for less than $73,000, or fight the case outright.