Poker Strategy: No Limit Hold’em
What are the two most powerful words you can say in poker? I’m “ALL IN”.
You can win or lose entire stacks in a single hand of No Limit Hold’em, and this excitement accounts for much of the popularity of the game. It’s not just a contest of having the best hand when all the chips go in the middle though. Well before that point, you should have created a plan for every street of the hand and formulated – in advance – your responses to every action your opponent takes. This isn’t magic but rather a science, and we’ll show you how to do it right. The articles below cover starting hand selection, the advantages of being aggressive, the stack-to-pot ratio, preflop three-betting, and the other concepts that you must master before you can truly become a proficient practitioner of NLHE. Once you achieve a certain level of skill, you’ll find yourself with numerous opportunities to practice it because No Limit Texas Hold’em is currently the most commonly spread form of poker in the world.

Theory Read – River Check/Raise
in-depth discussion from the High Stakes forum about the strategy and considerations behind river check/raises, including factors to consider when deciding to make a river check/raise with nut hands or as a bluff, and showcases several hand examples to illustrate the concepts
Intuition: Semi-Bluffing With Non-Nut Outs
When bluffing with non-nut outs in No Limit Hold'em, you have to be mindful not just of implied odds but reverse implied odds. That is, you may make your hand and still lose the pot. Thus, the situation is more dangerous than if you had outs to the nuts.
A Post About Bluffing
Bluffing is an integral, exciting part of poker. Defending against suspected opponent bluffs is no less important to your overall strategy. But becoming too focused on bluffs to the exclusion of other considerations can lead you straight to the poorhouse.
Spenda’s 5 Biggest Leaks of a Losing NL Player – Leak 2
the significance of table and seat selection in poker, highlighting that optimal table and seat choices can greatly enhance a player's win rate without necessarily improving their poker skills
Renton’s Small Stakes NLHE Ring Strategy: Postflop I
postflop strategy in small stakes No-Limit Hold'em ring games, covering topics like dealing with reraises, understanding implied odds, and various postflop concepts such as fold equity, expected value, and pot odds
NLHE Foundations #03: Calling to Close the Action in No-Limit Hold’em
third installment in the No-Limit Hold’em Foundations Course, emphasizing the importance of correctly analyzing situations where one can call to close the action, detailing the process of determining the equity needed for a profitable call
Betting to Protect Your Hand in Poker
There are times when it can be profitable to bet purely for the sake of protecting your hand even when it doesn't work out as profitable as a value bet or bluff by itself.
EV Calculations Tutorial 3: More Complicated Scenarios
When calculating the expected value of a semi-bluff, you will need to work with compound probabilities. This means that certain probabilities will be expressed as the product of the probabilities of two events occurring. If you're careful, the calculations should be easy.
NLHE Foundations #04: Putting Opponents on Pre-Flop Ranges (Part 1)
how to deduce opponents' pre-flop hand ranges by analyzing their actions and using specific statistics like VPIP, PFR, and ATS, emphasizing the importance of understanding these stats in combination and the need for detailed study outside of active play to develop an intuitive grasp of opponent ranges
Why is SPR Important?
the significance of the Stack to Pot Ratio (SPR) in poker, emphasizing that its importance varies based on game texture and player dynamics, and discusses the intricacies of SPR in relation to aggressive history, game strategy, and the challenges of certain bet sizes in various game situations, highlighting the nuanced nature of SPR in decision-making
Renton’s Small Stakes NLHE Ring Strategy: Preflop
in-depth guide on preflop strategy for small stakes No-Limit Hold'em ring games, discussing how to adapt to different table dynamics, the importance of position, and how to adjust your hand ranges based on the game's tightness or looseness
How to Adjust to Multi-Player Hands in No-Limit Hold’em
We have five concepts for you to follow here which will drastically increase the strength of your play in multi-way spots in no-limit hold'em games.
Spenda’s 5 Biggest Leaks of a Losing NL Player – Leak 5
the importance of hand-reading in poker, detailing how processing information from opponents, analyzing board texture, using the process of elimination, and diligent note-taking can enhance one's ability to make correct decisions and improve overall gameplay
Reversing the Initiative in a Hand
the concept of initiative in poker, detailing how the flow of aggression can shift between players during a hand, and offers strategies for reversing the initiative in various situations,
Back to Basics (Part 3): Semi-Bluffing in Position
One of the things about semi-bluffing in position that a lot of players overlook is the ability to check for another card right away.
Value Betting Dilemma
the complexities of value betting in poker, presenting specific hand examples and discussing the challenges of determining when to bet for value, especially against skilled opponents
The Relationship Between Equity and Expected Value
To understand how equity and expected value relate to each other, you have to understand what they mean and the role bet sizes have in connecting them.
Pre-flop Strategy – Starting Hand Rankings: Group 6
advises caution when playing Group 6 hands like KT, QT, and A7s, suggesting these are best suited for late position plays and should be used sparingly to mix up your strategy
Renton’s Small Stakes NLHE Ring Strategy: Postflop II
Renton's strategy for small stakes No-Limit Hold'em ring games, focusing on post-flop play and emphasizing the importance of understanding opponent tendencies, hand ranges, and making informed decisions based on board texture and betting patterns
Nine Noobie Myths About Microstakes NLHE
debunks nine common misconceptions that beginners have about playing microstakes No-Limit Hold'em poker
Spenda’s 5 Biggest Leaks of a Losing NL Player – Leak 1
If you're a losing No Limit Hold'em player, then you probably have big leaks in your game. Always remember to consider the value of position at all times. Another thing that losing players have a problem with is controlling the size of the pot.
ISF – Making Your Opponent Uncomfortable
strategies for identifying and exploiting the strengths of an opponent's poker game, emphasizing the importance of unbalancing their play and taking unconventional lines to force them into difficult decisions
Please Stop Paying Off Loose/Passives at the Poker Tables
Having the faith to lay down hands when facing aggression from loose/passive players requires a strong understanding of why you can fold.
Raising Behind Limpers
the strategic advantages of raising after one or more players have limped into the pot, particularly in late position, highlighting the importance of position, initiative, and exploiting opponent tendencies
Reverse ISF theorem and Manipulation
the concept of the "Reverse ISF theorem" advises players to manipulate their opponents' actions by adjusting their own play style, aiming to make opponents play passively when the player has a weaker range and more aggressively when the player has a stronger range
Planning Ahead: Multi-Street Bluffing
This week we show you how to plan out your ranges for multi-street bluffing even if you aren't sure that you're going to be bluffing on those future streets.
Playing No Limit Hold’em Games with an Ante
the dynamics of playing No Limit Hold'em games with an ante, explaining how the ante increases pot sizes and influences player strategies, and offers advice on how both loose and tight players can adapt to this format
Applications of EV Calculations (Part 1): Dealing With Short Stacks
To kick off our series on the applications of EV equations, we're going to look at how to deal with all-in situations against short stacks as both the aggressor and the person facing the final bet.
Balance is the Key
finding the right balance between playing too tightly and too loosely is crucial for success in poker, emphasizing that tracking software can assist but ultimately, adapting your strategy based on the game's dynamics is key
Playing Big 8 or 9 Out Drawing Hands
strategies and considerations for playing drawing hands in poker, particularly focusing on the nuances of playing 8 or 9-out drawing hands, the implications of implied odds, the subtleties of straight draws versus flush draws, the tactic of the free card play, and the potential pitfalls of tainted outs
Developing a Feel for Equities in No-Limit Hold’em Part 2: Equity is Not Everything
the distinction between equity and expected value in poker, emphasizing the importance of understanding how equity changes over the course of a hand and how future betting can impact overall expected value
Understanding the Importance of Shania (theory post)
the concept of Shania theory in poker, which emphasizes the importance of having a balanced range of hands when making bets, raises, or calls, thereby reducing the likelihood of making big mistakes and increasing the expected value (EV) of your plays
EV Calculations Tutorial 2: Basic Poker Scenarios
In this article, we'll look at a few examples of how to make EV calculations. Remember that the EV of a decision is equal to the sum of the EV each possible outcome. The EV of each outcome is equal to the product of the chance that it occurs and the winnings when it occurs.
NLHE Foundations #01: Introduction to Hold’em Ranges
the concept of hand ranges in no-limit hold'em poker, emphasizing the importance of understanding and counting starting hand combinations, and provides exercises to help players practice this essential skill for analyzing hands and situations in the game
No-Limit Hold’em… A Flaw in Design
argues that the game of No-Limit Hold'em has inherent design issues, particularly in cash games, where skilled players can find themselves handicapped when facing novices who buy-in for the minimum, rendering many of the skilled player's strategies ineffective
Dumpster Diving: A Guide to Playing Trash Hands
If there's any better way to bring yourself out of a funk at the tables, I have yet to learn about it. Sometimes, playing a few less-than-premium hands can generate big wins and increase your level of play.
Applications of EV Calculations (Part 2): Bluffing Considerations
Position and outs are connected when it comes to bluffing, and most people don't realize how they relate to each other through the EV of checking.
Half-Stack Appraoch to NLHE
The article from Flop Turn River outlines the half-stack approach to No Limit Hold'em, detailing its advantages and drawbacks, and emphasizing the strategy's simplicity, the perception it creates among opponents, and the adjustments required when playing with a 40-60bb stack depth
Breaking Down Check-Raising to Basics
Learning to check well is extremely important, but unfortunately it's ignored because people think it's a neutral action.
Spenda’s 5 Biggest Leaks of a Losing NL Player – Leak 4
the importance of adjusting to different player types in poker, emphasizing the need to understand and adapt to the strategies and tendencies of five key player types: Nit, TAGG, LAGG, Maniac, and Fish, with detailed insights on how to effectively play against each type
Pre-flop Strategy – Starting Hand Rankings: Groups 3 to 4
insights into pre-flop strategy, emphasizing the importance of being selective after the Big 10 starting hands, detailing the rankings and playability of Group 3 and Group 4 hands, and highlighting the challenges of drawing hands in no-limit games compared to limit games
Implied vs. Reverse Implied Odds
while implied odds consider the potential future gains when making a call, reverse implied odds focus on the potential future losses, and understanding both is crucial for making informed decisions during gameplay
Using Pot Control or Not
the strategy of pot control in poker, highlighting the balance between extracting value from strong hands and managing the pot size, the challenges of pot control against skilled players, and the importance of balancing bluffs with value bets to avoid being too predictable
Online vs. Live Poker
key differences between playing poker online and in live settings, highlighting that online games are generally tougher due to lower entry stakes, while live games offer a more diverse range of player types and behaviors, requiring different strategies and adjustments for each environment
The True Essence of Poker
The essence of poker can be broken down into two scenarios that you should be studying like your life depended on it.
Developing a Feel for Equities in No-Limit Hold’em Part 5: Hitting Pairs
the importance of understanding how often certain hand ranges hit pairs on various flop textures and how this knowledge can guide players in assessing the strength of their hands in relation to their opponents' potential holdings
Blind Stealing 101
highlights the underutilization of blind stealing and defense strategies by many poker players
ISF’s Heads Up Cash Game Strategies
When playing heads-up No Limit Hold'em poker, you need to modify the strategies that you would use at larger tables. Remember to focus on every hand and adjust to the specific player you're up against, because every hand you play will be against him or her.
A Beginner’s Guide to Adjusting for Multiway Pots
Playing multiway poker hands requires certain strategic adjustments. Here we show you some of the right adjustments to make.
Applications and Limitations of the Alpha Value
the significance and proper application of the alpha value in poker, highlighting its utility in specific single-street situations, while cautioning against its misuse in multi-street scenarios
Expanding Your Pre Flop Range
strategies of broadening one's pre-flop hand selection in poker, emphasizing the significance of positional awareness, understanding opponents' tendencies, and choosing hands that allow aggressive play
Thoughts on Balance by Meeloche and Noble
the importance of maintaining a balanced range of hands to prevent exploitation by skilled opponents, while also highlighting the significance of perceived range and the strategic adjustments required to maximize profitability against different player types
Modern Blind Stealing for No-Limit Hold’em
Online no-limit hold'em is known for focusing around a handful of plays, and stealing the blinds is one of those.
ISF – Forming Ranges: Part 2
the complexities of forming postflop hand ranges, emphasizing the importance of strategically grouping hands to maximize profitability, understanding the interplay between hands within a range, and making informed decisions based on the strength and potential of hands relative to an opponent's range
ISF – Forming Ranges
delves into the concept of forming hand ranges in poker, explaining that understanding the rationale behind your hand choices can help you self-repair leaks in your game
Poker Aggression Guide
the importance of understanding and utilizing aggression in poker, emphasizing the concept that if a player has decent equity against a range and perceives some fold equity, they should be inclined to bet or shove
Brush Up Your Semi-Bluff, and Bring Home the Bacon
Knowing how and when to semi-bluff can increase your poker winnings. The advantages of semi-bluffing include you being able to control the pot, force your opponents to fold, slow the action and win big pots. With so many benefits, semi-bluffing needs to be incorporated into your playing regime!
ISF – Pocket Pairs
strategic intricacies of playing pocket pairs in high-stakes poker, advocating for a cautious approach that often favors folding preflop
Spenda’s 5 Biggest Leaks of a Losing NL Player – Leak 3
the importance of proper bet-sizing in No-Limit Hold’em, discussing the intricacies of value betting, protection betting, and bluffing, and how the right bet size can significantly impact a player's win rate
A Hand in Action from the Hijack
in-depth analysis of a poker hand played from the hijack position in a NL100 full-ring game, emphasizing the strategic decisions made at each stage, from pre-flop to the river, and the importance of understanding opponent tendencies, hand ranges, and board texture to make informed decisions
A Different kind of Quiz for SHNL: Adjusting?
various scenarios and challenges poker players to think about how they would adjust their strategies in response to specific opponent tendencies, emphasizing the importance of observation, information gathering, and adapting to different forms of aggression to succeed in higher stakes games
New Approach to Table Selection
unique method for table selection in poker, suggesting that players can attract fish by starting at an empty 6-max table and waiting for them to join, emphasizing that this strategy can lead to a table filled with less skilled players, thereby increasing one's chances of winning
ISF – Predicting the Future and a Hand For Analysis
the importance of predicting future moves and making decisions based on later street play, while also presenting a detailed analysis of a specific hand scenario involving a donk player leading into the author on an uncoordinated board
No Limit Betting
guidelines for betting in No Limit Texas Hold'em, focusing on how to handle Top Pair Top Kicker (TPTK) and overpairs by betting half to 2/3 of the pot, and advises that if you're raised, you're likely beaten and should fold unless you have a strong redraw
Going After Multi Tablers
the strategic implications of multi-tabling in poker, emphasizing that while multi-tabling can increase a player's earnings per hour, it also makes them more vulnerable to solid single-table players who can exploit the reduced attention and default strategies of multi-tablers
The Process of Learning in Poker
Because there is no set way to study poker and the game’s variance makes it difficult to measure your progress, learning more about poker can be frustrating. But if you examine a single element of the game in multiple hands, you will accelerate your learning process and avoid becoming overwhelmed.
Developing a Feel for Equities in No-Limit Hold’em Part 3: Hitting the Flop
how equities change throughout a hand, the impact of flop texture, and the advantages of having draws on different board types
Exploiting Your Image
the importance of self-awareness in poker, emphasizing how players' perceptions of you can be manipulated to your advantage, whether you've been playing aggressively or conservativelyTactical Thinking – Is It Enough?
the distinction between tactical and strategic thinking in poker, highlighting that while tactical knowledge about playing individual hands is essential, it's the broader strategic approach, including game selection, seat selection, and time selection, that will determine long-term success in the evolving online poker landscape
Continuation Betting in NLHE Full Ring
nuances of making continuation bets in full-ring No-Limit Hold'em games, particularly at lower stakes, emphasizing that players often make mistakes in deciding when to continuation bet and suggesting that understanding the table dynamics and opponent behavior can help in making more informed decisions
Developing a Feel for Equities in No-Limit Hold’em Part 6: Meaningful Practice
This article will walk through an example poker hand, showing you how the equity of Hero's hand stacks up against Villain's range on every street. By learning to get a feel for the equities of different ranges, you'll be able to make superior decisions at the tables.
The Basic Concepts that Drive Continuation Betting
When it comes to continuation betting, your table position and the strength of your hole cards are even more important than the flop itself. By carefully considering these two factors in the context of how your opponent plays, you’ll be able to determine when you should make a continuation bet.
Leading the Flop and the Relationships to Continuation Betting
the strategy of leading the flop when not being the pre-flop aggressor, emphasizing the similarities with continuation betting, the importance of positional awareness, and how players often react sub-optimally to flop leads
A Better Approach to Attack and Defense in Poker
It's important to think of aggression or initiative in poker not so much for any specific hand but rather over the overall range of hands a player might have. Unlike position, the player with initiative does not have an inherent advantage in any given hand.
Building Your Poker Pyramid
the concept of the "poker pyramid," a collection of skills and personality traits essential for success in poker, emphasizing that technical knowledge is just one layer and that emotional stability, discipline, and experience are equally important for long-term profitability
Checking to Induce in No-Limit Hold’em
In games dominated by aggression, checking to induce is one of the plays that has been lost for a lot of players.
EV Calculations Tutorial 4: Organizing Large Calculations
As we begin to work with complicated poker situations, the difficulty of EV calculations increases. However, by breaking down each scenario into smaller parts and performing the appropriate calculations for each part, the equations become easy. Then you need to simply tally up the results.
ISF – Five Rules To Beating Low Stakes
ISF's five rules for beating low-stakes poker games, emphasizing the importance of playing tight preflop, avoiding loose play out of position, opting to bet rather than check when planning to call, being straightforward with strong hands, and ensuring you're at a table with at least three weak players to maximize profitability
Advanced Value Betting in Simple Scenarios With Game Theory
In order to value bet successfully on the river, you need to analyze your opponent's calling range. Thinking about unexploitable bluffing and calling frequencies can be helpful. Be sure not to value bet hands that will win less than half the time that your opponent calls.
ISF – Revision Of ISF Theorem
revisits the original ISF Theorem, emphasizing the importance of understanding the strength of poker hand ranges in relation to opponents' ranges, and highlights the need for players to adapt their strategies based on the dynamic interplay of these ranges
Texas Holdem Poker Table Selection
the importance of selecting the right table and seat in poker, detailing criteria such as observing limping patterns, player stack sizes, and aggressive betting behaviors
Comparing and Evaluating Different Bluffing Lines
complexities of different bluffing lines in poker, examining factors like opponent's fold frequency, bet sizes, and pot sizes to evaluate which bluffing strategies offer the most value in various scenarios, such as leading versus check-raising
Does Your Poker Game Suit You?
the importance of selecting a poker game type that aligns with one's personality and preferences, highlighting that success in poker is not just about mastering the game's mechanics but also about finding a format that resonates with the player's mindset, ensuring both enjoyment and profitability
Applications of EV Calculations (Part 3): River Checking vs. Bluffing
We have to consider the alternative to the aggressive option a lot of the time if we want to make sure that we're making the best plays possible.
NLHE Foundations #02: Basic No-Limit Hold’em Bluffing Analysis
the fundamentals of bluffing in no-limit hold'em, emphasizing the importance of understanding hand combinations, calculating fold frequencies, and using a shortcut method to determine the profitability of a pure bluff
Texas Holdem Position
the critical role of player position in Texas Hold'em poker, explaining that having a favorable position allows you to gather more information on other players' actions, thereby enabling better decision-making
Preparation in Poker
the importance of preparation in poker, discussing how planning ahead for various betting scenarios and potential stressors can improve both strategic and psychological aspects of the game
Leveling by Gametight
the psychological strategy of "leveling" in poker, which involves thinking multiple steps ahead of your opponent to predict their moves and reactions, illustrated through various levels of thought processes and exemplified with a detailed hand scenario between two players
NLHE Foundations #07: Putting Opponents on Flop Ranges (Part 1)
understanding and categorizing flop ranges in No-Limit Hold'em, emphasizing the distinction between pre-flop and post-flop ranges, the significance of high card and wet flops, and the importance of analyzing opponents' continuation betting and checking habits to gain a competitive edge in the game
Thinking About Your Ranges When Continuation Betting
the importance of considering not just individual hands but the overall strength of your betting and checking ranges, guiding players on how to adjust these ranges based on the opponent's tendencies and the specific situation at hand
Game Flow in No-Limit Hold’em Cash Games
the concept of "game flow" or "meta game" in No-Limit Hold'em cash games, emphasizing the importance of understanding the underlying dynamics and patterns of a game, and how players can adjust their strategies based on the evolving game environment
The Reality of Online Poker
while poker has been heavily marketed to the masses, it has attracted not just enthusiasts but also cheats, con-men, and other unsavory characters, making it crucial for players to be vigilant and aware of potential pitfalls
Poker Starting Hands with Deep Stacks
Deciding what range of hole cards you’re going to play depends largely on your stack size. If your stack equals 60BB or less, you should aim to hit big pairs. If it’s between 60BB-150BB, you can play suited connectors and gappers. Above 150BB, you can play cards with flush or straight potential.
ISF – Putting Together Ranges: Practice
guidance on how to effectively put opponents on hand ranges at every street in poker, emphasizing the importance of hand reading, understanding opponent tendencies, and using mathematical probability to make informed decisions during gameplay
ISF – General Hand Reading
the importance of hand reading in poker, explaining that understanding the game is futile if one can't effectively read hands; it delves into the nuances of categorizing hands into strong, medium, weak, draws, bluffs, and combo draws
The Principles of Performance for Poker
You can make it much easier to improve your poker game by following a few easy guidelines. Your problems as a poker poker are but a reflection of your problems in life and vice versa. With the proper level of self-awareness, you can set about successfully improving your play.
Bluff or Check? Missing the Flop in NLHE (Part 3): Understanding Your Range
When you miss the flop, the type of hand you have and what your range looks like is a whole can help you to determine how to play.
ISF – Manipulation 202 and Questions
advanced techniques in poker strategy, focusing on the concept of manipulation through bet sizing and range manipulation to influence opponents' behavior and decisions
Beating 6 Max No Limit Holdem by Sauce123
Six-max poker tables offer excitement but require a different style of play than full-ring games. You will want to remain reasonable with your opening ranges, but three-bet liberally. You should c-bet a lot, but be more cautious on future streets.
Typical Players in Small Stakes NLHE
common types of players in small stakes No-Limit Hold'em games, using data from tracking software to identify typical 3-bet percentages and hand ranges, aiming to help both users and non-users of tracking software understand their opponents better
Common Responses to Questions About 3-Bet Pots
the importance of having a clear strategy and understanding the reasons behind one's actions when playing in 3bet pots, highlighting that many players face challenges due to a lack of planning and foresight
An Introduction to Abstract Thought in Poker (Part 2)
Being able to think a little abstractly about the learning process in poker will help you to see the big picture instead of being stuck in the short term.
Developing a Feel for Equities in No-Limit Hold’em Part 4: The Basics of the Turn
the intricacies of understanding equities during the turn phase in No-Limit Hold'em, emphasizing the importance of intuition, observation, and strategic adjustments based on the turn card, while also providing examples to illustrate how different turn cards can impact a player's equity in the hand
The Anatomy of an Adjustment
the importance of making strategic adjustments in low stakes poker to exploit opponents, emphasizing that many players fail to grasp the true essence of exploitation and offers insights on how to recognize and implement effective adjustments based on opponent behavior
ISF – Strategic Bet Sizing
the strategic importance of bet sizing in poker, highlighting that while many players have a "standard" bet size, adjusting bet sizes based on opponent behavior and one's own strategy can be more effective, with considerations for pot odds and manipulating probabilities
Combating Geometric Escalation in NLHE
the concept of geometric escalation in No Limit Hold'em, emphasizing the importance of understanding how pot sizes can rapidly increase and the need for players to adjust their strategies accordingly to avoid overcommitting with suboptimal hands
Exploitation and the FTC Theorem
concept of the FTC (Fold-to-Continue) Theorem in poker, emphasizing how players can exploit opponents with high FTC ratios by making strategic bets and raises, while also cautioning players to maintain balance in their own play to avoid being exploited
Finding the Fish, if Only Life Were That Easy!
the pitfalls of relying solely on poker software tools, emphasizing that mastering poker requires a deep understanding of the game beyond technical tools and that true proficiency takes time and self-awareness
Back to Basics (Part 5): Poker Reads Made Simple
Avoid distractions and get better at making solid, fundamental reads with the fifth installment in the Back to Basics series.
Bluff or Check? Missing the Flop in NLHE (Part 2): Flop Texture
Knowing when to bluff on the flop is determined by a large number of factors, and here we're going to take a look at how flop texture fits into all of that.
Should You Always Use Pot Control?
the concept of pot control in poker, highlighting that while it can be a useful strategy to manage the pot size, it's essential to recognize situations where pot control might be counterproductive
The Incorporation of Second-Level Thinking
In today's tough poker games, you can't just think about what cards your opponents have. You have to also consider what they think you have. By doing so, you can strengthen some of your ranges and weaken others depending on what kind of action you expect to face.
Calculating Hand Combinations
understanding hand combinations in poker, discussing the probability of specific hand occurrences, the impact of blockers on potential hand combinations, and how to quickly calculate the likelihood of certain hands based on visible cards and known blockers
Microstakes Grinding
the significance of starting with the lowest stakes in online poker, known as "Microstakes", and emphasizes the importance of bankroll management, choosing the right poker sites, adopting a basic strategy with a tight pre-flop hand range, and the value of post-flop play
Renton Theorem aka ABCD Theorem
When playing No Limit Texas Hold'em poker, it's common to try to make the best play with the hand you're given. However, you should also be considering how to maximize the value you get out of your whole range of hands. Usually, your range will be divided into four parts.
Making Our Strategies More Robust and Avoiding Auto-Pilot
You shouldn't play the same way against all opponents. By considering how strong or weak you want your ranges to be in certain poker situations, you can get the best of your adversaries. Learn how to modify your default ranges for increased profits.“To Check/Raise or Not to Check/Raise?” That is Today’s Question
A check/raise is a potent move at the table which should normally be used sparingly, preferably in the later stages of cash games and tournaments. This article discusses some situations when you would and would not want to check/raise your opponents to increase your winnings or cut your losses.
ISF – Beginners Guide To Equity and Fold Equity
beginner's guide to understanding the concepts of equity and fold equity in poker, emphasizing the importance of maximizing equity for profitable play and the value of making opponents fold to relinquish their equity