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Can somebody identify this card?

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  1. #1

    Default Can somebody identify this card?

    I haven't played in several years. I wanna hit some of the local poker houses and want to practice handling chips and cards so I don't look like a dunce. I know how to play, just haven't handled cards and chips in a while.

    I have a Dal Negro and Modiano decks that I love. Don't care much for the KEM. I have a sample of this bridge size card and I love the texture. I've spent hours searching for it but can't find it. If somebody recognizes this I would be very happy. I posted this in one other section; don't be mad. I can't find an appropriate category.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Ray Bones View Post
    I posted this in one other section; don't be mad.
    hey don't tell me what to do.

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