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Really basic 5CD question

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Atlantic City

    Default Really basic 5CD question

    In 5-card draw, when you get to play a big blind hand for no raise, what kind of draw do you make with a garbage hand?

    Let's say you have an A and some unconnected cards, is it correct to discard 4 and holod on the A? What about discarding 4 and holding on to a K, Q, or J? At what point would one just discard all 5?

    Or, would you prefer to discard 2 for a long-shot flush or to discard 1 for a gutshot? Are either of those choices better in this situation than the above example of discarding 4 or 5?
  2. #2
    this is a easy question. It depends.
    If I am heads up I will always draw 3. Drawing less that 3 and he will bet into you alot.
    If the hand isn't heads up then I will draw 4 to an ace or 5. If it's a donk fest (like 4-5 in the hand), I will try a long shot draw, I wanna hand that I can bet without being too worried I lose. (flush or straight).
    Also never draw to a draw when heads up....

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