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Beginners Circle

New members and Beginners questions about anything FTR or poker, There are no stupid questions.
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Sticky Thread Sticky: [Freerolls] Want to Maximize Your Chances of Winning That Freeroll?

Hey guys, We know a lot of you are here because you love the freerolls and money-added tournaments that FlopTurnRiver has to offer. Not only do we...

Started by spoonitnow, 09-11-2014 02:12 PM
Replies: 17 Views: 51,253
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08-09-2023 07:21 AM

Sticky Thread Sticky: The Beginners Circle Digest

Welcome to the Beginners Circle! This forum is designed to help you to learn the basics of becoming a winning poker player. This thread is the...

Started by spoonitnow, 09-28-2014 11:38 AM
Replies: 0 Views: 24,465
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09-28-2014 11:38 AM

Sticky Thread Sticky: Don't Forget About the SSNL Forum!

Hey guys, Previously on FTR, the Beginners Circle was the place for all micro-stakes discussion. However, because of the nature of today's games...

Started by spoonitnow, 09-11-2014 02:04 PM
Replies: 0 Views: 22,370
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09-11-2014 02:04 PM

Just wondering

I was wondering if there was a table out there that would tell me the following: %win with AA.kk,qq,XX. Basically all the combinations. (Against...

Started by !Luck, 02-12-2004 04:28 PM
Replies: 41 Views: 8,164
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02-12-2004 11:48 PM

Payment options

I've been playing at the free tables for awhile, and I'm ready to try my luck at money tabels. I've tried to read the fine print for all the...

Started by beginner, 02-09-2004 04:47 PM
Replies: 29 Views: 8,221
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02-10-2004 02:25 PM

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