The "i don't care" variation of tilt, or "I don't care" state-of-mind, is primarily caused by two things. The first, which I don't think applies here, is a feeling of satisfaction in other area's of your life which makes you not need it from poker so you don't try very hard at all. The second, which is you atm, is a frustration that things just don't seem to be working out, which puts your mind in a state of not trying very hard anymore. You experience this as seemingly not caring anymore.
A huge factor here is also mental fatigue. When you say you feel like you need a break from reality, it makes me think this applies to you. This isn't something special though, it's pretty common. I have found that all people, from casuals to pro, go through all variations of tilt at some points in their lives.
Never done it but I don't see much use in talking to a psychiatrist. They're not a peer, you're never going to get from them what you need. Would be nice to have some close friends you can spew whatever is on my mind to. However, you need to bring value to a friendship also. If you only use your friends to complain to, they won't be your friends for very long.
What you should do now imo is go see a psychiatrist again, a different one. And don't go with the intention of talking things through, but rather ask for a specific kind of prescription. A mix of anti-depressants and relaxing stuff that you can take before you go to sleep. The anti-depressants are a misnomer here, because you aren't depressed, you just need the ones that give you a good night's sleep. After that, aim to set your life up in a self-enforcing way.
Ultimately we are descendants from people living in small communities where not much of note ever happens. Most of us aren't well adapted to the stresses of current-day globalized life. Imo a big challenge of life is to organize your life in a way that you perform best.
Taking an actual break, as in a vacation, change of environment, can also help tremendously.
My 2 cents.