Thanks, this is an excellent post for me to think about. I guess at my stakes I'm not ever really planning to triple barrel, because I don't expect folds often enough from hands that I probably lay...
Type: Posts; User: OngBonga
Thanks, this is an excellent post for me to think about. I guess at my stakes I'm not ever really planning to triple barrel, because I don't expect folds often enough from hands that I probably lay...
There's only one combo of TT from the turn onwards. You've given him 2 more combos of folds than you should have. Not that I think it's gonna be critical here, but I feel I should point it out.
I read it but tbh I think this is beyond me. This is advanced bluffing at stakes way beyond mine. All I'd say is I tend to not take these kind of lines against unknowns, but I'd imagine we can...