It was a trolly post of mine, to be sure.
My 2 cents:
WeldPhaser is not a p.o.s. Just a dude who got into a funk for a minute and made a couple misclicks.
He has since mended all fences, and is...
Type: Posts; User: MadMojoMonkey
It was a trolly post of mine, to be sure.
My 2 cents:
WeldPhaser is not a p.o.s. Just a dude who got into a funk for a minute and made a couple misclicks.
He has since mended all fences, and is...
Creep much?
Yeah... "we talked and worked things out" was misleading.
Still, my message stands.
:h: ong. I feel the same.
I'm glad this is worked out. Mistakes happen. Good people own up to their mistakes and work to correct them.
It seems that's the case here, so I, for one, hold no lingering thoughts over this.
Hope this gets resolved to your satisfaction, gmml.