this is what i'd normally do, yu knew how to put it down.
but i am concerned i'm again falling to nitt side.
Type: Posts; User: Razvan729
this is what i'd normally do, yu knew how to put it down.
but i am concerned i'm again falling to nitt side.
never folding if i bet. i cant. so i only have c/decide which was /is my first choice and shoving and yes i hate to be called and think about a river decision.
how about shoving turn? seems weird he flats 2pair+ on that board. so we are pretty much facing a flush or a draw.
sounds bad?
I'd c/c flop and c/decide turn. We are in a tough spot no matter river and we just cant b/f. Though i think he'd raise flop w/ most combo draws and sets given board texture. Pretty awkward spot vs...