Pre: I think this is a very good candidate for flatting, but mixing in some 3!ing with it is fine too. My standard OOP sizing is bigger, but it's an interesting thought to make or SB 3! sizing on the smaller size because the objective is as much about squeezing out the BB with a wide, linear range as it is about valuing/bluffing effectively. So if you're being as linear as 3!ing KTs, then smaller sizing (probably even smaller than this) is a very interesting thought.
Flop: I'm actually running a similar spot through the solver as we speak, so anything I say is a bit of speculation, but ... I tend to think small sizing is gonna do us a lot of favors here. a) We have a big range advantage so we can have a super bet-heavy strategy, b) our obvious value range is mostly KQ+/KK+ (so there are only 3 bad overs) and otherwise we only have to worry about FDs, so betting bigger for protection isn't crucial, c) we can get stacks in with 1/3p, pot, pot, and d) we have all that split pair stuff that plays out a lot easier if they can bet a size that it's for value (especially true with a more mergey preflop strategy.
If we do have a segment of our strategy that bets 2/3p, then this is a good candidate for it because it's shit for barrelling and just wants to take it down OTF.
Turn: I think betting is pretty bad. This turn neutralized our range advantage a lot, so we're going to end up checking a fair bit and protecting that range with some nutty hands. Really don't see any reason to turn dry Tx into a bluff.
River: Well, now that you got here this way, shoving seems super standard. We're going to have very few combos of hands that bet the turn with a draw worse than a club and a made hand worse than Tx, and with how many nut combos we have here, I can't imagine this nudges us into overbluffing. If we're overbluffing here, it's probably more a problem with our turn strategy.