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Werewolf Championship Season 2 - You're Invited to Participate!

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  1. #1

    Default Werewolf Championship Season 2 - You're Invited to Participate!

    Hi guys

    So as some of you probably know baudib1 reached out to me and asked if you guys could be represented in season 2 of the Werewolf Championships. To those who don't know what I'm talking about: In 2013-2014 I hosted a championship series featuring 100+ of the very best werewolf players from 45+ different communities who competed against each other. The best of the best advanced to the finale game where an ultimate winner was crowned.

    It's now time for season 2 and I hope you guys are still interested in being represented.

    It's completely up to you how you go about choosing your representative. I would only ask that you make sure that the person will be able to read and post a lot more than they're probably used to. It won't be quite as insane as the first season, seeing as it will just be 13-player games this time, but it will still require a great deal of activity.

    Here's the info:

    The current plan for season 2

    • 65 different communities will be represented.
    • 1 player per community for the entire season (preferably).
    • 5 qualifying games will be played with 13 players each.
    • 2 players advance to the finale from each game based on post-game votes.
    • 3 additional players are granted wildcard spots.

    Game setup

    The game will have a very basic mafia setup: 3 mafia members, 9 vanilla townies and 1 cop. The cop starts the game with a random vanilla townie peek. Roles revealed upon death.

    Some communities are not very used to playing basic setups like this, but for the first season, we utilized a setup with a good share of power roles, so this time around we are trying something new. For season 3 we will switch it up again.

    Days will last 36 hours and nights 12 hours, meaning 48 hours (2 days) per game day. With one exception: The weekend (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) will be one game day (so day will be 60 hours and night 12 hours on weekends). This means the game will last a maximum of 2 weeks.


    The first game is set to start April 6th. The other four games will take place in the 1-3 months after that. I will make a Doodle and find out the best times to start the 5 games so that preferably everyone gets to play during a time that suits them well.

    In addition to this, it is also a priority to ensure as much as possible that all the players in any given game has no prior history of playing with each other to ensure a level playing field (but I cannot 100 % guarantee that this won’t happen).

    Links to season 1

    Qualifying game #1:

    Qualifying game #2:

    Qualifying game #3:

    Qualifying game #4:

    Finale game:
    Last edited by Thingyman; 03-22-2015 at 12:43 PM.
  2. #2
    sounds like bugrud is the man for the job
  3. #3
    i chuckled but out
  4. #4
    MadMojoMonkey's Avatar
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    My nominations, in no particular order:
    (keith removed)

    I might be missing one or more whom I'd fully endorse.
    I'd probably add others if I had played more games with them: monstrman and lilrascal both tough choices.

    No offense to anyone off the list. I don't belong on the list, either, so nothing personal.
  5. #5
    gabe's Avatar
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    Can we send one person then we all talk in private about our game reads? I'd love to be a soul read advisor
  6. #6
    You cannot help your representative once the game has started :P
  7. #7
    baudib is who I think we should send. When it comes to activity, it's between me and baudib, and I can't be bothered, not at this time anyway. I don't see anyone else putting in the hours.
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    ongies gonna ong
  8. #8
    MadMojoMonkey's Avatar
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    It might well be lingering ill-feelings over his insults in last game that kept him off my list.

    If I look for high activity, that looks like: rilla, baud, key, Wuf, MMM, (Ong)

    I doubt rilla wants to do this, but he'd be my top choice if he was interested.
    This is his forum, after all, and his activity last game was in the top 3.

    baudib is a good choice. He just pissed me off last game. If I ignore the personal grief, then he has redic high activity and his passion is through the roof. Additionally, I think his head is really in the game lately (even when he says it wont be). He tends to be hungry for the win.

    key is a good choice, if he wants to play. Key is relatively new to the game, but has a wolf win and has shown remarkable cleverness in choosing when to make fake peeks / outs.

    Wuf :/ I mean: Do we need to fire shots at PoG? ( jk wuf)

    I don't have any record of a winning endgame (and some pretty big fails).

    I can support the baudib nomination. Does he want to do it?
  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by OngBonga View Post
    baudib is who I think we should send. When it comes to activity, it's between me and baudib, and I can't be bothered, not at this time anyway. I don't see anyone else putting in the hours.
    Fwiw I'll be sending out a Doodle, so if you'd prefer playing in May for example, that could be arranged.
  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Thingyman View Post
    Fwiw I'll be sending out a Doodle, so if you'd prefer playing in May for example, that could be arranged.
    It's definitely worth asking again in May. I'm taking a bit of a break at the moment, but I enjoy playing a lot and it's a matter of time before my interest is back.

    As for baudib's performance last game, I have to take some of the blame for that. Yes he was confrontational and somewhat annoying, but he was a villager who relentlessly had his back against the wall thanks to me, so maybe it shouldn't be a surprise. baudib is human, just like the rest of us. Sure he was annoying last game, but he's not annoying every game. I don't hold any grudges. keith annoyed me last game too, and I probably annoyed the shit out of baudib. It's not a big deal.
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    ongies gonna ong
  11. #11
    bigred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    sounds like bugrud is the man for the job
    I'm not the champion this community needs, but the champion it deserves...on account of us all being douchebags and stuff
  12. #12
    Are there any actual volunteers? :P

    The representative wouldn't have to play in the April 6th game for example, but my hope is that I can still get the names of all the representatives by April and then send out a Doodle in order to schedule all the games and have it all set to go.
  13. #13
    we're not a post-heavy forum, and we don't get new blood at the rate that vets get worn out.

    ong and baud are the only players who can keep their post count up. both are great players. i chalk up ong's bleh from last game to the no night phases which turns all villagers batty.

    back in the day me rong and rilla were post-heavy too, but not anymore. i think i would have killed it three years ago, but not anymore.
  14. #14
    JKDS, Luco or Gabe should do it if Ong can't.
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  15. #15
    a500lbgorilla's Avatar
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    I'll step up and rep FTR. If you think you can do better, throw your name out.
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  16. #16
    damn i thought rilla would not want to do this

    nigga got my vote
  17. #17
    a500lbgorilla's Avatar
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    What's the worst that could happen? No one else wants to compete, so I'll show these fools what it means to play FTR werewolf
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  18. #18
    The worst that could happen is you get raped by a horse. Wait, I though of something even worse but it's so bad I'm not saying it.

    rilla gets my vote too.
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    ongies gonna ong
  19. #19
    rilla you've always been one of our best players. you know how to play a strong village game that impresses people. you also know how to wolf even though the last several times you did it you gave up. i think the trick to wolfing as you is applying your village approach where you trip up wolves on bad logic/behavior to villagers. villagers love doing stupid shit, even more than wolves. villagers get caught wolfing all the time.
  20. #20
    Would I be right to assume that a500lbgorilla is your official representative?
  21. #21
    MadMojoMonkey's Avatar
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    I am confident that rilla will represent FTR well. I think baudib would also be a good choice.

    I look forward to following the games.

  22. #22
    bigred's Avatar
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    If Rilla has the time, it makes sense.
  23. #23
    Look how active bigred is.
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    ongies gonna ong
  24. #24
    BooG690's Avatar
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    Here to watch rilla get raped by a horse.
    That's how winners play; we convince the other guy he's making all the right moves.
  25. #25
    So when's the horse rape starting?
  26. #26
    I volunteer Bigred as the horse
  27. #27
    a500lbgorilla's Avatar
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    Can't be rape if I never say no
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  28. #28
    gabe's Avatar
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    sweet. what has life come to that im looking forward to railing a werewolf game im not playing
  29. #29
    Having someone represent the site who openly refuses to wolf well is a bad idea but IDGAF.
    Playing big pots at small stakes.
  30. #30
    MadMojoMonkey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baudib View Post
    Having someone represent the site who openly refuses to wolf well is a bad idea but IDGAF.
    Then volunteer. I think you'd be a great choice to represent us.
  31. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by MadMojoMonkey View Post
    Then volunteer. I think you'd be a great choice to represent us.
    I agree with MMM. Go for it baud.
    I may grow old, but I refuse to grow up.
  32. #32
    i suspect rilla has psyched himself out wolfing because of ftr meta. he knows we know him, so if he feels he cant play to our expectations, he doesn't do so hot.

    that wouldnt be a problem on a different forum, where aint nobody knows how he is. the types of strengths we should promote to represent us are (1): ability to banter, (2) sophisticated and tricky tactics, (3) ability to get people to like you. i dont know who i think best fits this bill. i think im strong on (1) and (2), but weak on (3). besides im not volunteering for this. jkds is probably the strongest on (2), but baud and ong have figured some of that out too. baud and ong are also strong on (1), but like me not so hot at (3). i feel like none of these describe gabe well. he's not obviously anything other than obviously good.

    it appears nobody else expressed interest in this thing. gabe probably doesnt want to do it because of postcount. baud doesnt want to do it because he burned himself out. ong is ong and may or may not want to do it at some point that may or may not be in the near or distant future. if rilla is game, he's a great choice
  33. #33
    that said, i suspect the hyper heavy post counts in those games would fit baud and ong much more. i disagree that lots of posts to try to flesh things out is valuable, but it appears that's how non-ftr games run
  34. #34
    IDK, I think POGGERS are hugely post-count heavy, I don't think other forums are as active.
    Playing big pots at small stakes.
  35. #35
    POG is post heavy in a lot of their games, but not so much in vanilla games which is what this will be. Also, POG will only have 1 representative, do it shouldn't be driven by POG standards for posting. POG is just hosting
    I may grow old, but I refuse to grow up.
  36. #36
    a500lbgorilla's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lilrascal View Post
    I agree with MMM. Go for it baud.
    By all means, baud.
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  37. #37
    the person who wants to do it the most should do it. many regs are easily qualified enough to get the job done
  38. #38
    I just need the representative's name sometime before April 1st. Let me know when your decision is finalized
  39. #39
    Both rilla and baudib are excellent choices. I think rilla would be a superb wolf against those who aren't super familiar with his villager game, so I'm unconcerned about him repping us as a wolf. baudib has in his favour his activity levels... rilla won't touch him when it comes to that. If we expect the game to be large, we should send baudib. If we expect it to be small or slow, then rilla is the better option imo.
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    ongies gonna ong
  40. #40
    rong's Avatar
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    What ong just said.
    I'm the king of bongo, baby I'm the king of bongo bong.
  41. #41
    I PM'ed baudib to see if he was actually interested in playing. He said he doesn't play ww anymore, so looks like rilla is keeping the spot :P
  42. #42
    MadMojoMonkey's Avatar
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    We lost baudib?

    Awww, man!
  43. #43
    I think he's being all pissy because people got annoyed with him last game insead of me. Feelings, huh?
  44. #44
    No, I retired to play more poker.
    Playing big pots at small stakes.
  45. #45
    pm me for the mod notes link baudib so you can watch this game with some degree of interest!
  46. #46
    Is Rilla going to be representing FTR? I didn't see where he said he would.

    I know I'm new here, but I'm willing to step up and represent FTR in the tourney. Assuming Rilla or other regulars aren't interested.
    I may grow old, but I refuse to grow up.
  47. #47
    you should do it then. rilla probably doesnt actually want to.
  48. #48
    As I said, I'm willing to do it, but I'm newer here and don't want to step on anyone's toes.
    I may grow old, but I refuse to grow up.
  49. #49
    naw you wouldn't be stepping on anybody's toes. if it came to that we would vote on who to send.

    i wonder if these championships get players to visit other forums. we do have one very unique thing to offer ww players: our games are hyper meta with all the same tight group of regs.
  50. #50
    a500lbgorilla's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lilrascal View Post
    Is Rilla going to be representing FTR? I didn't see where he said he would.

    I know I'm new here, but I'm willing to step up and represent FTR in the tourney. Assuming Rilla or other regulars aren't interested.
    Sure. Go for it.
    <a href= target=_blank></a>
  51. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by a500lbgorilla View Post
    Sure. Go for it.
    OK, I'll do my best to represent FTR.
    I may grow old, but I refuse to grow up.
  52. #52
    Get hyped!

  53. #53
    heh i like that a lot. too bad this wasnt 3 years ago. i would have so loved this then.
  54. #54
    a500lbgorilla's Avatar
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    Is there a list of communities playing?
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  55. #55
    MadMojoMonkey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by a500lbgorilla View Post
    Is there a list of communities playing?
    copy/pasta from youtube description:

    Art of Problem Solving
    Atheist Foundation of Australia
    Bay 12 Forums
    Canucks Community
    Captain Luffy
    Chocolate Pi
    Comic Fury
    Dark Lord Potter
    Dominion Strategy
    Draft Countdown
    Feed the Beast
    Football Forums
    Giant in the Playground
    HeroClix Realms
    Jesus Toast Mafia
    Last Life
    Malazan Empire
    Millennium Forums
    MMO Champion
    MTG Salvation
    Naruto Forums
    Otaku Central
    Part Time Poker
    Play Diplomacy
    Rate Your Music
    SC2 Mafia
    Serenes Forest
    Something Awful
    Super Mafia All Stars
    Talking Time
    Team Liquid
    The Grey Labyrinth
    The Org
    The Syndicate
    TW Center
    Two Plus Two
    Ultimate Mafia
    Vendetta Strada
    Walter Football
    Wrestling Forum
  56. #56
    BooG690's Avatar
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    I kind of geeked out there. Gogogo
  57. #57
    bigred's Avatar
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    That's a pretty impressive list. There can only be one. And that one is a 500lb gorilla.
  58. #58
    Game 1 of the second season of the Mafia Championship has started:

    If you'd like to spectate the game, feel free to add me on Skype and I'll invite you to the spectator chat: thingyman

    The chat attracted more than a 100 people last time from all the various communities and was a ton of fun. Most importantly, it is a great opportunity for networking and creating connections with other communities as evidenced by the fact that it led to a bunch of crossover games the first time around. You should pop in and say hello

    Bubbles (NinSheetMusic)
    CPHoya (Super Mafia All Stars)
    fontisian (Dark Lord Potter)
    Guild (Talking Time)
    Harb (Play Diplomacy)
    itisally (The Grey Labyrinth)
    NeilOnnsu (Art of Problem Solving)
    Paperblade (Serenes Forest)
    TheDarkestLight (SC2 Mafia)
    Timewave (Atheist Foundation of Australia)
    VikeStep (Feed the Beast)
    Vytron (xkcd)
    Zack (CivFanatics)
  59. #59
    Game 2 has started!

    And Game 1 is at lylo.

    GAME 2 (APRIL 13TH)
    ✰Alpha✰ (Jesus Toast Mafia)
    Achromatic (GameFAQs)
    bcb1213 (Walter Football)
    JaggedJimmyJay (Rate Your Music)
    JunkheadX (Wrestling Forum)
    kaboose (Football Forums)
    lilrascal (FlopTurnRiver)
    Maki (Otaku Central)
    MSU (HeroClix Realms)
    Ryker (Smashboards)
    Saposhiente (Giant in the Playground)
    TortugaGrande (InsideMDSports)
    Verbal32 (JetNation)

    lilrascal is playing. The skype chat has 100+ spectators. Add me to get an invite and join in on the fun: thingyman.
  60. #60
    gl rascal
  61. #61
    I may grow old, but I refuse to grow up.
  62. #62
    a500lbgorilla's Avatar
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    These are some high polish games, 2+2. V nice
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  63. #63
    a500lbgorilla's Avatar
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  64. #64
    Jesus Toast Mafia is probably the best name for a website on the entire internet.
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    ongies gonna ong
  65. #65
    Although having said that, alpha is a shit name.
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    ongies gonna ong
  66. #66
    I'm not following the championship, I'm in a mash that has 11,500 posts after 3 days.
    Playing big pots at small stakes.
  67. #67
    BooG690's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baudib View Post
    I'm not following the championship, I'm in a mash that has 11,500 posts after 3 days.
    I can't imagine that being too fun.
    That's how winners play; we convince the other guy he's making all the right moves.
  68. #68
    MadMojoMonkey's Avatar
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    I'm way behind reading this game, but I smiled when I read this line:

    Quote Originally Posted by JaggedJimmyJay
    lilrascal is generating a lot of positive feedback and i think it's understandable. but there's palpable air of talent about him, so i proceed with caution.

  69. #69
    Did we win yet?
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    ongies gonna ong
  70. #70
    a500lbgorilla's Avatar
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  71. #71
    a500lbgorilla's Avatar
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    ^That was in response to the game and not to dongwronga
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  72. #72
    Not as good as wrongbonga, try harder.
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    ongies gonna ong
  73. #73
    Congratulations, you've won your dick's weight in sweets! Decode the message in the above post to find out how to claim your tic-tac
  74. #74
    Who's modding the next one then?
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    ongies gonna ong
  75. #75
    Quote Originally Posted by OngBonga View Post
    Who's modding the next one then?
    I don't have time for write ups right now, I'm not always on a pc in the evenings.

    Also, gratz rascal! I don't know why anyone thought you were scum there lol
    Congratulations, you've won your dick's weight in sweets! Decode the message in the above post to find out how to claim your tic-tac

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