Bodog is getting into the holiday spirit with two things we love: cold hard cash and hot girls. Every day this December, the beautiful Bodog Snowgirl will be handing $1,000 to one lucky winner.

To qualify, simply wager $10 at the Snowgirl’s Game of The Day, which can be found on the Bodog Casino website. You’ll earn an entry for every $10 you bet, so it’s possible to amass multiple entries which gives you a better shot at taking home that $1,000.

Thankfully the Snowgirl has an eclectic taste in casino games. The Game of the Day could be a particular slot machine, Craps, Pai Gow Poker, and a couple of the days any game will qualify! Check out the Game of the Day schedule on Bodog’s website for your favorite games.

Can’t decide what to do with $1,000? We suggest a 50 inch plasma TV, but your signifigant other may enjoy a 24 hour massage. Risk takers could take their $1,000 to the Blackjack tables hoping to doulbe up and borderline degenerates could head to the roulette wheel and put it all on 0. Hit it and you’d be walking away with $35,000. In all seriousness, Christmas is coming up so we’re sure you have plenty of ideas!

The Bodog Snowgirl Promotion is no snowjob. Everyday someone will win $1,000 and that someone could be you! All it takes is $10 and if you win, your name will appear on their website! Stop walking by the clock just to pass the time. Be a player at Bodog!