Building on the success of his critically acclaimed “Hold’em Wisdom for All Players”, Daniel Negreanu has returned for a second round.

In the aptly named “More Hold’em Wisdom for All Players”, Kid Poker presents readers with 50 additional playing tips. As with the first volume, each bit of wisdom is presented in a clear, easy to understand fashion. Retailing for $14.95 US, you’d be hard pressed to find a better read for the money.

I admit that I sort of missed the boat on this book. It was released in 2008, but I’ve just now discovered it on the shelves at my local bookstore. His original book of wisdom was one of the formative influences on my young poker career, and the second dose promises to be just as enlightening.

So why bother bringing it to you now? Because I figured that if I managed to miss this book, you might have, too! And trust me, this is one book that you’ll want in your poker bookshelf. While the first “Wisdom” focused on more entry-level concepts, Negreanu tackles quite a few more advanced concepts in his second go-around.

These include some against-the-grain ideas, as presented in chapters like “Giving Away a Free Card”, “Dumbing it Down”, and “Selling a Poker Hand is Like Selling a Car.”

The book itself is broken into four sections: “Winning Tournaments with Smart Play”, “Playing Your Players, Your Position, and (Oh, Yes) Your Cards”, “Betting and Bluffing With No Fear”, and “What’s the Best Play? Using Poker Wisdom as Your Guide.” Each of these contain between 12 and 13 segments, all of which are informative and insightful.

Formerly winning players who have lost their way of late will especially enjoy the “Fancy Play Syndrome” section, found on page 80. According to Negreanu, Mike Caro was the first man to use FPS as a regular term describe players who have forgotten some of the basic lessons of the game, and are now being a little too cute for their own good. It’s an enlightening read, one that could put you back on the path to poker proficiency.

Bottom line: Whether you’re an aspiring pro or a veteran looking for a refresher, you owe it to yourself to pick up “More Hold’em Wisdom for All Players.”